The mission of the CLYLP is to enhance and further develop the leadership potential of California’s youth as they prepare to become the future leaders of our state and nation. The CLYLP seeks to fulfill its mission by accomplishing the following objectives:
Strengthening students’ knowledge of state and local politics;
Emphasizing the importance of cultural and community values;
Inspiring students to realize their academic and professional potential through individual and group interaction with business, community, and political leaders; and
Encouraging students to continue their education by attending college and providing them with the information they need to ensure success at the postsecondary level.

SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY: We demonstrate the value of “giving back” in curriculum content, through a model that engages alumni, volunteers, and partners. Those who serve, develop leadership qualities and skills that are carried forward into their local communities.
CULTURAL IDENTITY & MOTIVATION: Our goal is to enhance leadership potential, motivation, and self-confidence by exposing young people to their cultural history, values, and role models.
SELF REALIZATION & CONTINUOUS GROWTH: We expose students to new possibilities. Participants nurture dreams and aspirations, pursue a higher education, create an awareness of the world around them, and build self-confidence to create positive social change.
EQUITY: CLYLP opens doors to educational and career opportunities for young people with limited access to resources, and develops leaders who participate in creating equitable policies and institutions in many areas of our society.
COLLABORATION: We partner with academic institutions, corporations, community leaders, and professionals to continuously identify and work toward shared goals to advance youth and their development.
COMMUNITY-BASED LEADERSHIP: We are a community-driven organization founded by leaders in the Latino community. Alumni and volunteers lead many facets of the organization and continuously train the next generation of volunteers and leaders.
The Chicano Latino Youth Leadership Project, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, color, ethnicity, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or age in its programs or activities.